CobaSeal – maximum protection against bearing oil

Extremely robust separation seal. Extremely economical use of buffer gas.

Separation seals are an essential part of compressors. They protect the DGS against contamination from bearing oil. The CobaSeal combines all the essential performance characteristics that a modern separation seal must have: 100% oil-tightness in all operating conditions, extremely low buffer gas consumption and multiple safety benefits. The seal design with co-axial sealing gap is insensitive to short-term supply failures and significantly contributes to the robustness of the CobaSeal.

Added safety in an emergency

A further feature of the CobaSeal is its suitability as an additional safety level of a DGS. If the DGS fails in an emergency, the robust design and small sealing gap of the CobaSeal will prevent the uncontrolled penetration of process gas into the bearing chamber. The leakage in this case is far less than with conventional separation seals. The CobaSeal is therefore often used to improve the safety of DGS in single, double and tandem arrangements.

Results & Benefits at a glance

Technical benefits:

  • Reliable protection of the DGS against penetrating bearing oil in all operating conditions
  • Insensitive to short-term supply failures (N2 supply)
  • Minor process gas leakage into the bearing chamber in case of gas seal failure

Economic advantages:

  • Savings of up to 90% nitrogen compared to labyrinths
  • Long maintenance intervals due to robust seal design


This is how a British customer makes his pipelines more robust ...

Innovative separation seal increases reliability of compressors in British gas network

The leakage of bearing oil through the existing separation seal contaminated the DGS and caused an unwelcome high level of unplanned compressor failures. After installation of the co-axial CobaSeal, no more lubricating oil was detected in the secondary vent line of the compressor.

Read the full success story.

Get to know the CobaSeal!

Further technical information about the CobaSeal can be found here.


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Powerful. Reliable. Contamination resistant.

The high-end trio for difficult operating conditions

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CobaSeal Video

EagleBurgmann CobaSeal - Performance under severe conditions. Watch the video now!

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Video: CobaSeal XXL

EagleBurgmann CobaSeal - the biggest co-axial separation seal ever built. Watch the video now!

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